Ghosts of the Desktop Era
Website Wisdom — Experience-driven Success Solutions
Our Brief 25-Year Web Era
Some things immediately say old to us, past, long gone, we don't do that anymore. Just as the older typewriters of the past clearly say so, have you thought that the desktop computers we currently use are almost in the same place - old relics? We are whipping through the brief “web” era between the centuries of print and the future of voice search and voice commands. Maybe you thought the visual web was a destination and not a tunnel to the other side.
Tips for Choosing a Website Template
Website Wisdom — Experience-driven Success Solutions
Tip 1. Do not select a template based on the homepage desktop view.
Do people usually enter your website from the front door, the homepage? How do you know?
If you already have a website template, perhaps you selected it based on the desktop view of the homepage. Many people do. The thing you need to carefully review is the percentage of people who actually come to your website this way.
The majority may come through other doorways and you want to check out these other views. You want every doorway to be enticing, welcoming, and successful with your viewers.
Where is the flaw here? You love your homepage. After designing and developing more than fifty websites, I can say that almost everyone made their decisions based on the homepage appearance. The Front Door is simply the most important to website owners.
Web Design Has Changed Forever
In 2012 so many new devices hit the market that your web readership could be using just about anything from 3 inches to 27 inches to read your website.
Website Design Process and Stages
My passion is to assist my clients to present themselves and their business in a way that will welcome and attract their ideal clients.
Your homepage is like your office or business entrance. The way you present your office reveals a lot about how you do business with people and what you value. We work to convey a feeling and comfort level that will work for your customers.